What is Fulcrum Dynamic?
We build custom software and integration solutions. We love helping clients solve problems. We save you time and money, by helping you run your business more efficiently.

We work closely with you to understand exactly what you need. We have the flexibility to provide a wide variety of options. We operate in a lot of different disciplines, from building custom applications from scratch, to extending existing software, to integration scripting, and advising clients on selection of pre-packaged solutions. Because we have such a large toolbox at our disposal, we are able to provide you with the best solution for your exact situation.
Our headquarters is in downtown Round Rock. But if you stop by, it’s just me, Jamie Adams, the Founder/CEO/President/Janitor. I have a team of developers with a wide array of skills and expertise, but they all work remotely. Some here in Central Texas, some on the other side of the world. They can work anywhere they want, as long as they get the job done.
Custom software? Sounds expensive…
A lot of people hear me talk about custom software and integrations, and they think, “my business isn’t ready for that.” They don’t have enough revenue, or maybe they are just getting started and don’t have any employees. We can tailor solutions to the needs of our clients. Some people need enterprise-grade custom software development. Some people just need a quick script, or even just some advice.

My smallest invoice was just a couple hundred dollars, while I have other clients with ongoing project who have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars. I am very happy to work with both. I love seeing my clients succeed.
For those small, and even one-person companies, it might seem like you don’t have time to think about automating processes, but if you can offload the manual, boring parts of your job to a machine, how much more productive can you be, focusing on the important stuff, and growing your business?
Everyone loves an origin story…
I grew up in Austin, Texas, during the DotCom tech bubble. My Dad was a nurse, but it seemed like just about everyone else’s parents worked in some part of the booming high tech industry. It was an exciting time, and I have no doubt that environment heightened my interest in technology.
I learned HTML for a class project in 7th grade. I really enjoyed it, and I guess I impressed my teacher. She let come down and spend extra free periods in the computer lab to work on it. Once that project was finished, I still had an itch to scratch, so I built a website to share stories, poems, and art work that my friends and I were writing. I continued to tinker with computers and explore the new and mysterious world of the Internet through my teen years. Then my senior year of high school, I took a community college course on C++, and got my first taste of “real programming.” I was hooked; I had to learn more.
In college, I fixed PCs at a computer shop, and later got a job with an online computer reseller. The owners appreciated my enthusiasm, and gave free reign to find solutions to automate shipping labels, eBay listings, and anything else they could think up. It was there that I discovered the joy of automation, and of employing APIs and databases to solve real world problems.
I graduated college with a Bachelor’s Degree in Information Technology, and continued to grow as a software engineer.
Humble beginnings…
In 2013, I went out on my own, and started working for clients as a freelancer. It was difficult at first, but eventually I built a network of trusted clients who continued to work with me over the course of years on various projects.

I had started out as a one man band, “chief cook and bottle washer.” But gradually, the business grew and it made sense to build a team. I still do a bit programming myself, but since I have such a great team of developers backing me up, I generally focus on other parts of the business. I work with clients to make sure we understand their needs, I do a lot of high level architecture for solutions, and I work on strategy for the business as a whole.
All work and no play…

Solving technology problems is not just a job, but a passion. However, I can’t do it 24/7. Sometimes I have to unplug. I love going on food adventures with my wife, exploring ethnic markets, and trying out local eateries. I listen to tons of audio books and podcasts on a wide variety of topics, from business to psychology to history to economics to science, anything that catches my interest. I have been trying to learn the ukulele for years (I have zero natural musical talent, but I can dream). I love science fiction books and movies. And when I can, I like to go hunting for bargains at thrift stores and garage sales.

I have been blessed with 4 kids, and a beautiful wife. Although I love my work, they are what motivates me to do what I do. We love to play at the park, swim, ride bikes, and go on camping trips. But sometimes, we just stay home and enjoy a board game at the dining room table. Lately, the kids are obsessed with Exploding Kittens.
Arm bars and leg locks, oh my…

I have been training in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu for a couple years, although I am still a lowly white belt. I was never very athletic in school, but I wanted to try something different to get me out of my comfort zone. It’s great exercise, and it keeps me humble. I train every morning at 6AM. Nothing shakes the cobwebs out of your head like having someone try to choke you out with your own collar. It’s a great workout, and I leave ready to take on the rest of my day, no matter what life throws at me.
Last summer, I competed in my first BJJ tournament. My first match ended with me on the receiving end of a flying arm bar in less than 30 seconds. I have never seen someone move quite that fast!
Obviously, I would have loved to win the match, but you don’t learn nearly as much from winning as you do from losing. I will just have to train harder and do better next year.
My three oldest kids train Jiu Jitsu 2 days a week as well. We also have a mat for the living room, so we can practice at home. It’s not so different from the rough housing we would be doing anyway, except with a few more rules.
You have been reading for a while now, what else do you want to know?
I am meticulous and detail-oriented. When I send a text message and notice a spelling mistake or a case of overzealous auto-correct, it absolutely torments me, because I can’t fix it. It can be a somewhat annoying quirk, but it comes in handy troubleshooting code and finding bugs.

I am pretty good at seeing both sides of an argument, and I sometimes over-analyze a problem, researching minutiae in depth. Sometimes it can make me indecisive, and it isn’t always a productive mindset for sales. A salesman needs to be totally convinced his product or service is exactly what you need, but I always see other options. On the other hand, this tendency sometimes leads me to present solutions other hadn’t considered. That’s why when I write a project proposal, I generally include at least 2 options, so you get to choose what works best for you as the client.
You probably know more about me than you ever wanted to now, but if you have any other questions, feel free to get in touch. All my information is on the Contact Page.
P.S. If you find yourself in the Round Rock area, give me a call. There is a great little coffee shop a block from my office. Now that you know my story, I would love to grab a cup and hear yours!